Intermediate Transition Information

Selecting a Secondary School

The school locator (OCDSB website) enables all students to verify which schools they are eligible to attend, based upon their home address, program choice and grade. It is also important to have a look at the Secondary School Course Guide (OCDSB website) in order for students to review the courses offered at their secondary school.

How Blossom Park Prepares Students for Success

The dedicated Intermediate Team at Blossom Park, work very hard to ensure that all Grade 7 and 8 students are well informed and prepared to meet success for the transition to secondary school. Here are some examples of what we provide for our students:

  • Pathways 8 Program - Students explore transferable skills and various careers
  • Ongoing Communication - Questions or concerns about secondary school and programs
  • Secondary School Information Sessions held at Blossom Park - For students (Ridgemont High School, Canterbury High School, Hillcrest High School and Colonel By Secondary School)
  • Parent Information Sessions - Dates, locations and time
  • Orientation Tours - Students tour various secondary schools, attend various sports events, musical showcases etc...
  • Career cruising - Preparation of Course Options for Grade 9 and developing an IPP
  • Guest Speakers - Community members speak to our students about a variety of topics

Secondary Schools

Students at Blossom Park Public School are well informed of the following Secondary Schools:

  • Ridgemont High School
  • Canterbury High School
  • Hillcrest High School
  • Colonel By Secondary School

Steps to Success in Preparation for Secondary School

  1. Select a secondary school based on the results from the school locator
  2. Attend information session at the secondary school (parents and students)
  3. Complete and sign appropriate course option sheet (January/February 2017)
  4. Ongoing communication with teachers at Blossom Park Public School
  5. Stay organized; homework, assignments, due dates, use of agenda
  6. Get involved; extra curricular activities, sports, clubs etc...

Transition Information for Intermediates

Have you checked the School Locator?

When selecting a secondary school it is important to ensure you live within the correct boundary. Checking your boundary is easy, simply input all your information on theĀ school locator.