Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluation, available on the Board’s website. Students are assessed according to Ministry of Education provincial standards and expectations. Teachers use ongoing assessments, such as daily student work, math journals, homework assignments, tests and quizzes, oral presentations, classroom observation, partner and group projects and standardized tests in order to evaluate student progress and plan appropriate next steps for student learning.
Student reading and understanding are assessed using diagnostic tests such as PM Benchmarks for Grades 1 to 3, GB+ for Middle French Immersion and Fontas and Pinnell Benchmarks for Grades 4 to 8. Mathematical diagnostic tools such as Math Running Records and Leaps and Bounds are also used to determine gaps in working with numbers. Expectations for individual students are modified according to specific needs either through English as an Additional Language need or a special education need with an Individual Education Plan. These modifications are developed in agreement with students' parents/guardians. Each spring, grade 3 and 6 students participate in the EQAO provincial assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This assessment takes place over 3 days and individual student results are available in the fall.
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
Literacy and Numeracy
We continue our focus on improvement in the literacy and numeracy skills of our students. Literacy and numeracy initiatives are ongoing with extra support from the Board through the instructional coach model. Our school focus provides a whole school approach for ongoing improvement in achievement for literacy and mathematics. A comprehensive approach to both literacy and math, including guided reading, writing and math, is in place in all classrooms.
Healthy, Active Living
School organization and programs promote the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle for students and staff. Our school follows the Balanced School Day, which includes two nutrition/recess breaks - 40 minutes in the morning and 50 minutes in the afternoon. All students in Grade 1 to 8 participate in 20 minutes of daily physical activity (DPA). We encourage students to consume healthy, nutritious snacks and lunches. We also have a daily Breakfast Club for our students, and healthy snacks provided by the Education Foundation.
Once a year, all students participate in dance workshops and then share their dances at a school wide performance. Students have many opportunities to participate in running throughout the school year with cross country running, the Terry Fox Run, and Track and Field. We continue to promote positive attitudes and foster respect for self, others and property by:
- involving students in environmental initiatives such as recycling, EcoSchools initiatives, and gardening.
- highlighting the importance of punctuality and daily attendance at school.
Other Initiatives
We continue to work together with our School Council and the school’s MLO (Multicultural Liaison Officer) to encourage a greater number of parents and other members of the school community to become involved in the life of our school. Some of the organizations currently working in our school include: YOSICO once per week for a boys leadership group; Crossroads provides a youth worker once per week to help students with social skills development using a collaborative problem-solving model; Big Brother and Sister Program providing students with a mentor to develop social skills.